Sunday, March 6, 2011

sleeping in the shed..... so .. can i?

ok ok,

so i have missed a FEW DAYS of the blog, but there have been lots of things going on.

(NOTE: these are not excuses - just facts!)

1. trip away. a lovely few days in geelong to celebrate the engagement of 2 awesome people. I was so proud of myself i was restrained, eat well and even went for a run. i didn't drink, only indulged in two peices of the most delicious slice you are ever going to be lucky enough to come across. BOY was breaking the "diet"worth it for those.

2. SNOT. i have lots of it. up my nose and up my kids noses. makes everyone grumpy. I have managed to maintain most of the training, but did feel i had to lower the intensity just to be able to breathe through it. i managed 3 runs of around 3kms whilst filled with snot which i thought was pretty good. Normally i would have just not gone and done anything.

3. CRICKET. Dh has had cricket a lot last weekend as it was the last round for the season. this has meant i have had the kids A LOT. but thats ok, what goes around comes around.

4. WORK. DH has been away a lot for work which has meant i have had to alter my trainign schedual. in a lucky coincidence DH's absence coincided with the arrival of afore mentioned snot, so training regime was only really interferred with once. I am SO PROUD of the fact that I cooked and ate healthy dinners while he was away. Normally i would have easy quick FAT foods, like take away and huge bowls of pasta! YEAH ME!!

5. NON SLEEPING 8 MONTH OLD CHILD! this is the worst one. and i guess has had the bigest impact on me so far. Many a time she has had me reaching for the chocolate bar / ice cream / biscuits etc. On average over the past 2 weeks she has slept abotu 45mins during the day and then woken every hour during the night. The biggest clump of sleep i have had in the past 2 weeks is 3 hours and that only happened once. BUT lets look at the positives. While i have been really tired and perhaps not pushed my training to the max this week, i HAVE NOT resorted to JUNK FOOD!! on a particularly bad day i allowed myself a coke zero ( i know not great - but it was a treat) and i have found a lovely way to trick myself into thinking i am having a chocolate fix.

100ml plain vanilla LF yoghurt
handful frozen rasberries
1 teaspoon of Diet Choc topping
sprinkle with choc chips. (only a few)

this is so tasty - and is my treat food on those horrid days when normally i would down an entire block of chocolate, a whole pack of biscuits and a bag of MnM's all without taking a breath!

so, i am not expecting big losses this week. BUT i have had some pretty amazing LIGHT BULB moments and made some pretty good choices. I know it sounds simple but a month ago this woul dhave been my give up and go home week!!

GO ME!!!

see you in the shed. (if i'm taking a nap - please do not disturb!)

1 comment:

  1. wow..! This is nice update .. Thanks for sharing keep on updating
