Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hit the road JACK!

Or sharyn.... as the case may be.

I had a good run this morning and Miss E decided 5.45 was a good time for a feed so this timed in perfectly as by the time she is finished and tucked back up in bed i am wide awake so i was ready this morning.

LEGS were like LEAD! ouchies. definately elt the double dose of yesterday, but about the 14 minute mark of the run i found my rythm and felt a lot better. I ran for 28 minutes and walked for 15 today but i felt pretty good with that.

LOVED LOVED LOVED last nights chicken dinner and todays chicken salad. I would say the salad is my fav so far, and i am not really a salad fan. I mean I eat it, but i usually don't like it. this one was delish!

Fish tonight, couldn't fin the trevella so we had HAKE. it was nice and didn't have a real fishy flavour which was great as Dh doesn't like fish. He ate the whole thing so YEAH for him.

Tomorrow i am doing a strength circuit again. It's slightly different to monday although i am not planning on doing this one twice. I am excited about tomorrow. Looking foward to getting out in the shed.

getting ready for our trip away on thursday so this will be our first red flag period. I am pretty confident that we will be ok. I am not finding i am craving fatty or sugary foods at all, but i do know that it is habit when i go to the pantry so am trying to keep the grapes. sultanas etc near the front and make anything else hard to get at.

Haven't been able to part with my decaf coffee with fake suagr though. although only two today.

Was slack at drinking my water. really need to concentrate on that!

First weigh in tomorrow. A little scared as it is only 3 days since i weighed in on sunday. Hoping i haven't put on weight, although it wouldn't surprise me. hoping i am the same as that would be a good sign i guess.

ok, ciao bellas, see you in the shed~!!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

daily double..... oopps

well day one of the 12wbt and i am off to a flying start.

SHED was venue of choice today and i was doing the strength curcuit for outdoors, although i modified it a little to suit the SHED!

i had written down the circuit activities and felt really prepared. was busting out of my skin when the alarm went off this morning. No trouble getting up today!

the warm up was a 10 min power walk, so i just completed a 10 min ride on the bike, being sure to keep the reps above 80. i went a little over 5 kms.

then there was the circuit.

i had written 3 sets of 12reps so i knew that was how many.

so it went:

sumo squats x 12 (hold every 4th for 5 secs) pushups on bench x 12 then repeat both 3 times
step ups 12 right 12 left x 3
hanstring curls on bench x 12 tricep dips x 12 (x 3)
squat jumps x 12 towel pulls x 12 (x3)

But somehow in my head i was sure we had to do the circuit twice, so i did. However i have just checked and NO WHERE does it say x 2. LOL. no wonder my arms were like lead and my legs were burning. Definately a great workout.

then finished off with 6 x 10m sprints on bike. and the AB program.

I had delicious low GI cereal this morning and saved my banana for mid morning snack with coffee.

made the carrot tabouli and hommus wrap for lunch - which was nice but i really had trouble getting the herbs chopped small enough so would sometimes get a big chunk whihc was a little unpleasant.

I have also had a LF yogurt and some sultanas for snacks.

Looking forward to the chicken for dinner, although am not having the dessert so will have some extra snacks to make it up to 1200 for today. YEAH i don't have to use my snack allowance!! woohoo.

looking forward to tomorrows RUN!! 45 mins. thats gonna hurt.

See you in the SHED!


truth time

so - weekly surprise was out. Fitness test.

Puts me in intermediate i think. weill go with that and see how i go. am excited about starting tomorrow. Although i am swapping and doing strength tomorrow so i can time the run better while we are away.

I ran thismorning.

2.5 km. a shorter one, but faster i think. my leg was still a bit sore but feels great now. I think i ran it out.

Did the weigh in today. And the photo. GRRRRRRRRRRRR the camera doesn't lie. no more kidding myself now. I have back rolls. and front rolls and side rolls. MAN i am a bakery.

but say farwell they are heading for the shed.

here we go here we go here we go.................

see ya in the shed.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

no shed today....

well short and sweet -

no shed today.

Miss 4.5 tumbled head first from her car seat in our 4wd and landed on her head in the gutter. Instant screaming and instant golf ball on forehead.

days plans changed and straight to the ED.

4 or so hours later - home with impressive bandage. and big headache.

i have not made it to the shed - but today is one of those days where you say "s*#t happens - move on"

on the road tomorrow - run in the morning - thinking about 3km as i pulled up quite sore after teh 5km on friday.

depending on how the day goes might aim to SHED IT after dinner. a double whammy to make up for today.

He're's to tomorrow being much less head banging!

see ya in the shed.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

on the road again...

Welcome to day two.

Today I bypassed the Shed and got some good old fresh air into the lungs. I did oversleep a tiny bit this morning (only 10 mins) which meant shower was seriously delayed until later in the day but at least i got my workout in.

today i did my first EVER, and i mean EVER 5km run. i could always run but i hated it so i found excuses - years of injuries to my knees helped my only ever run the cross country once in my whole schooling career and that was aboout grade 3.

I have periodically done the C25k program always abandoning it at about wk 5 for various reasons (ok excuses). but today i made it. 5 kms no stopping.

So i was slow. Passing traffic probably had to look twice to check i was moving but i tell you i was. when i got back i was hot, sweaty and extremely red in the face. But i felt fantastic. I made it and by golly i am proud of myself!!

I will say i was spurred on by the release of the week one progams yesterday. I love the look of them. we have our first red flag day (s) coming up this weekend with Megan and Pauls engagement but we sat down last night and factored in training sessions and eating plans to make sure we stay with the program!

weigh in gettting closer every minute. But i am a tinsy bit excited because right now i am wearing a shirt that i last wore 18 months ago. It has'n't fit since then. (mind you i have had a baby in that time too!) But what an awesome feeling to put it on and not have to leave buttons undone, use safety pins or generally feel uncomfortable. :)

So off to dinner tongiht with friends and hoping to tee up to borrow some work out dvd's for the next 3 months. no way am i goign to get stuck unable to get to the shed because of kids, rain, tiredness or those damn spiders who keep using my equipment in a futile attempt to "BEEF UP"and take over the world!

Tomorrow - back in the shed for some serious smashing of weights! it's a super saturday session - so will really have to up the pace!

See you in the shed..


PS: yesterday should have read bike ride x 2 one at the start and one at the end of the workout. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

here we go ...

so, we have a shed! BIG DEAL i hear you cry...

so, i have a lot of weight to shed! again i hear... BIG DEAL!

but here is the thing - i am going to shed this weight in afore mentioned shed.

Oh but how i hear you ask.... well this is the plan.

1. Sign up to Michelle Bridges 12wbt! CHECK

2. Dust off home gym and exercise bike! CHECK


we have a perfectly decent home gym that Darling husband (DH) purchased about 12 months ago - used intensely for 2 months, and since then we have been using it to create a safe haven for the millions of spiders that live in our shed. I swear we would have the fittest spiders int he country as they have taken to the home gym like their very own mansion!

well i have evicted the spiders dusted off the gym and put it to good use. I was so inspired when i first signed up for 12wbt that i started moving straight away! i now have a regluar (well ok 2 weeks since i started but it's more regular than before!) workout that i complete every second day!

The exercise bike has been a very effective feature in our shed since it's arrival 12 months ago too. It has been a fantastic Clothes horse. dried things to perfection out of the rain. alas, i have found a new clothes horse (one actually designed for this purpose) and used the bike as a ****SHOCK HORROR**** BIKE! i am actually enjoynig it and even int he last two weeks my capabilities have incresed. Where once 67rpm was a decent (read hard) workout and woudl last 5 mins, i can now do two blocks of 15mins at 85+rpm! WOO HOO. (and after watching biggest loser all i hear is commando screamng "KEEP IT ABOVE 80"

You also should know that the shed is big! Alas you should have visions of poor old me sweating it out in a little garden shed! :( no, it is 6 x 12 or there abouts, so i have loads of room. I have worked out i can even do short sprints in between weight reps just so i keep moving.

so monday is kick off - i am pumped. i have a few goals.

1) stick to the plan - exercise and diet
2) work hard - all the time (imagine Michelle walking throught he shed door at any given moment in time)
3) Run - i had 5km by week 4 as one of my goals but last tuesday i ran 4.5 so i htink i might have to up that.
4) loose 8 - 10kgs.
5) blog every day and be accountable!!

so today in the shed..........

10mins on bike travelled 5.2 kms (around 85rpm average)

Not in this order -
200 crunches
3 x12 leg curls (1 *block* of weight ) really have to work out what they weigh
3 x 12"*boobie busters"don't know what these are technically called yet but they work the pecs at 2 weight blocks
3 x 15 upright rows at 2 blocks
3 x 15 bicep curls at 2 blocks
3x 15 lat pulldowns at 3 blocks

so - i feel good. tomorrow is a run day - going for 4.5 again without stopping. my pace is pretty slow but i figure iw ill just work on not stopping for now and work on speed later.

So whats next?

i ahve to do preseason task 8 measure up - i think i will do this sunday morning as to have an accurate place to start on monday.

i am excited - but a little scared too. Thats normal right?

PS: i think i watch too muchbiggest loser - i dreamt i was on it yesterday with Michelle in my face screaming "so what are you here for? you want to just loose weight or you want to win?"

"Ï WANT BOTH!!!!!!!!!!"

See ya in the shed -