Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hit the road JACK!

Or sharyn.... as the case may be.

I had a good run this morning and Miss E decided 5.45 was a good time for a feed so this timed in perfectly as by the time she is finished and tucked back up in bed i am wide awake so i was ready this morning.

LEGS were like LEAD! ouchies. definately elt the double dose of yesterday, but about the 14 minute mark of the run i found my rythm and felt a lot better. I ran for 28 minutes and walked for 15 today but i felt pretty good with that.

LOVED LOVED LOVED last nights chicken dinner and todays chicken salad. I would say the salad is my fav so far, and i am not really a salad fan. I mean I eat it, but i usually don't like it. this one was delish!

Fish tonight, couldn't fin the trevella so we had HAKE. it was nice and didn't have a real fishy flavour which was great as Dh doesn't like fish. He ate the whole thing so YEAH for him.

Tomorrow i am doing a strength circuit again. It's slightly different to monday although i am not planning on doing this one twice. I am excited about tomorrow. Looking foward to getting out in the shed.

getting ready for our trip away on thursday so this will be our first red flag period. I am pretty confident that we will be ok. I am not finding i am craving fatty or sugary foods at all, but i do know that it is habit when i go to the pantry so am trying to keep the grapes. sultanas etc near the front and make anything else hard to get at.

Haven't been able to part with my decaf coffee with fake suagr though. although only two today.

Was slack at drinking my water. really need to concentrate on that!

First weigh in tomorrow. A little scared as it is only 3 days since i weighed in on sunday. Hoping i haven't put on weight, although it wouldn't surprise me. hoping i am the same as that would be a good sign i guess.

ok, ciao bellas, see you in the shed~!!


1 comment:

  1. Love the name of your blog! Hope the 12wbt is going well for you :)
